Our Thinking

Xenolytix Uncut

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Blockchain - Revitalizing Building Blocks of Healthcare 

Sona Shyam
7 min read
There has been a flurry of excitement about the role that blockchain technology might play in revitalizing the healthcare system – bringing in supply-chain and patient-care efficiencies and opening new avenues for monetization. Blockchain, quite honestly, has just passed the fad stage and the barriers to adopting the technology are beginning to diminish.

A Future of Better Care and Better Health — A Value Based Journey with Natural Language Processing

Sona Shyam
4 min read
There’s an explosion of data in healthcare and the industry needs to find the best ways to extract what’s relevant. Interpretation & manipulation of human-generated spoken or written data is what Natural Language Processing (NLP) is all about. NLP provides a potential solution for pharma, providers, and payers looking to glean actionable insights from unstructured data.

Blockchain – The New Kid on the Retail Block

Sona Shyam
4 min read
Blockchain is moving beyond the hype towards effective implementation. Blockchain’s potential to transform the retail industry springs from its ability to provide a more secure and transparent way to handle exchanges of information between parties. Distributed ledger technology is transforming business processing. Extolled as a financial technology, blockchain is about so much more for the retail sector.

AI in RETAIL – Elevating Epic Customer Experiences 

Sona Shyam
5 min read
Omnichannel customers are not only the reality of modern commerce—they are the future. Today’s consumers want to buy anything, anytime, anywhere, often using multiple channels and devices to shop. Retailers must adopt new technologies and adopt business models to support an omnichannel customer. Customer experience (CX) must be consistent and adaptive across channels. 

A Fresh Approach to Financial Markets Compliance — Leveraging Machine Learning

Sona Shyam
10 min read
No matter what you call it — “machine learning (ML),” “cognitive computing,” “Internet of Things (IoT),” “smart machines” or “intelligent automation” — Artificial Intelligence (AI) is basking in a renaissance now. It is not simply because of the promise AI holds for the future but because of the impact it is having on every facet of many businesses today, especially the Financial Services and Compliance industry.
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